School visits
Elementary Cycle 2
Elementary Cycle 3

On the Trail of the St. Lawrence Iroquoians

90 min. with multimedia show
80 people max.
On the Trail of the St. Lawrence Iroquoians
Photo: Pointe-à-Callière

Learn all about St. Lawrence Iroquoian women, men, and children! Explore and experience the culture, lifestyle, and social and territorial organization of the Iroquoians of the St. Lawrence Valley—before the arrival of the Europeans (around 1500)—and learn about their relationships with other Indigenous nations populating the area at the time.

By exploring Pointe-à-Callière’s unique archaeological site, where many remains and artefacts can be seen, you will embark on a journey going back thousands of years—from the time Indigenous peoples first frequented the site to the present day. We will explore the richness and complexity of the St. Lawrence Iroquoians’ way of life, their cultural reality (art, daily life, culture, traditions, etc.), their political and economic organization, as well as their influence and their relationships with other Indigenous groups. We will also address the impacts of contact with Europeans and of colonization on Indigenous cultures, exploring how the cultures adapted, changes that took place, and existing links to the past, present, and Indigenous descendants of today.

A journey through time, exploring age-old Indigenous traditions and culture!

What will students experience?:

  • They will handle, observe, and compare remains, objects, reproductions, iconography, and models that bear witness to the ways of life of Indigenous populations.
  • Take part in some day-to-day Iroquoian activities.
  • They will explore, ask questions, and actively take part in learning about this First Nation and its history.
  • They will hear and explore the languages, stories, legends, and traditions of Indigenous peoples, past and present.

Concepts covered during the workshop

  • Situating the St. Lawrence Iroquoians in time (from about 1300 to 1500) and space (the St. Lawrence Lowland, between the mouth of Lake Ontario and the Lower St. Lawrence, as far up as Gaspésie).
  • Describing the social, economic, cultural, and political organization of St. Lawrence Iroquoian society.
  • Examining the daily lives of St. Lawrence Iroquoians through the roles of men, women, elders, and children.
  • Understanding the cultural changes and adaptations that took place following the arrival of the Europeans in the 16th century and the elements of continuity with descendants today.

Competencies developed

The activities on this interpreted tour are in line with the aims of the Quebec education programs and help develop the following competencies.

In Québec

Society studied: Iroquoian society, circa 1500 ad

  • Perceive the organization of a society in its territory:
    • Situate the society and its territory in space and time;
    • Make connections between characteristics of the society and the organization of its territory;
    • Make connections between assets and limitations of the territory and the organization of the society;
    • Define the influence of people or events on social and territorial organization;
    • Make connections of continuity with the present.

In Ontario

  • Heritage and identity: early societies (the Natives)
    • Describe the social and political organization and lifestyle of an early society: the Natives.
  • Heritage and identity: the beginnings of Canada (cultural heritage)
    • Describe the main characteristics of various Native peoples, the nature of relationships between various Native peoples who lived in the St. Lawrence Valley and along the shores of the Great Lakes before the arrival of the first Europeans.
  • Heritage and identity: the Canadian experience, yesterday and today (development of communities in Canada: First Nations)
    • Analyze the physical, social, and cultural characteristics of Native communities.

Information and reservation

Tell us about your needs

Please fill out our online form and we will contact you shortly to complete your reservation.

For any assistance:
[email protected]
514 872-9127

Please note that we cannot guarantee a booking request made less than 4 weeks in advance.

Hours and rates of visits and group activities (taxes included)

September 2024 to April 2025
Tuesday to Friday, 9:30 am to 5 pm + Monday December 16, 2024

May-June 2024
Tuesday to Friday, 9:30 am to 5 pm
+ Mondays June 2, 9 and 16, 2025

Per student$12
Accompanying Adults (1 for 15 students)Free
Additional chaperon$15
3rd or additional adult$18
Role of accompanying adults

Divide the group into smaller sub-groups according to the number of groups specified on your reservation. The number of groups required corresponds to the number of accompanying adults required during the visit.

Follow the group at all times to maintain discipline and manage particular cases. The mediator or guide will lead the visit. Accompanying adults must stay with and supervise the group during lunch time.

Lunch room

A lunch room is available for groups.
Reservations required.

Per student$1
Free if taking part in two activities during the day.

Access to the Museum

Consult instructions.
There is free bus parking on de la Commune Street, at the corner of Place Royale.