Child Care
Day camps
5 - 7 year old
5 - 7 year old

Inquisitive Beavers, seek and find at the Museum

60 min. without multimedia show | 90 min. with multimedia show
60 people max.
Inquisitive Beavers, seek and find at the Museum
Photo : Marc-Antoine Zoueki

Because you’re never too young to start learning about—and learning to love—history and archaeology, Pointe-à-Callière is inviting inquisitive youngsters from day camps and daycares to come visit the Museum!

Follow Mme Castor and our interpreter-guide through the Museum to meet the people who lived here before we did… and explore their history, thanks to the findings of archaeologists and historians.

On our tour, children will get to see and handle objects that archaeologists have discovered. Through these objects and models, they will learn how people of the past lived, here in Montréal. Over the course of our adventure—and through various interactive activities—, curious youngsters will explore the profession of archaeologist… and try their hand at it! Lastly, together we’ll see how the history of Montréal continues to be written and how new communities contribute to it.

With this tour and its activities, young people will get to the heart of Montréal history. Keep your eyes and ears wide open… and get ready to explore Montréal!

Participants will also get to see the Generations MTL multimedia show, presented in a space outfitted with a 270-degree screen. Watch as the archaeological remains come to life! A countdown begins, the centuries roll by, an island appears, and then, a city. A captivating and memorable immersive experience!

What will the participants experience?

  • They will imagine the city as it existed in the past by examining models and handling artefacts.
  • They will explore a unique and fascinating place—Pointe-à-Callière Museum.
  • They will see authentic archaeological artefacts and explore the work of archaeologists in an entertaining participatory activity.
  • They will have fun handling objects from various eras—categorizing, comparing, and identifying them.
  • They will explore objects from Montréal’s various cultural communities, opening their minds to diversity and discovering their place in the history of Montréal.

Information and booking

Please fill out our online form and we will contact you shortly to complete your reservation.

For any assistance :
[email protected]
514 872-9127

Schedule and price (taxes included)

Starting in June
Tuesday to Friday, 9:30 am to 5 pm
Price per child: $11

Schedule may varies according to holidays.
Lunch room

A lunch room is available for groups.
Reservations required.

Per person$1
Free if taking part in two activities during the day.