Lecture Series
May 5th, 2018

Les Samedis de l'histoire

Les Samedis de l'histoire
Lid from the coffin of Hory
© Museo Egizio, Turin

Saturday, May 5, at 2 pm
Free admission, limited places
In French only
Montréal 360° Space at Pointe-à-Callière

The Société historique de Montréal is presenting Les femmes de pouvoir en Egypte sous le nouvel Empire (1539-1076) (in French) at Pointe-à-Callière.

The Société hictorique de Montréal has invited historian Michel Guay to present a conference on the status of women in Egypt, particularly on the status and political functions of certain great queens iof the era, many of which are well known: Hatchepsout, Tiyi, Nefertiti, and Nefertari. The topic will be enriched by illustrations of objetcs presented in the Queens of Egypt exhibition at Pointe-à-Callière from April 10 to November 4, 2018.

Professor Michel Guay taught for 35 years in the department of history of l'UQAM, ever since its foundation in 1969. Now retired, he maintains his professional activities, among others, as a scientific consultant for recent exhibitions on pharaonic Egypt held at the Musée de la Civilisation (in Québec, 2009 and 2012) and this year in Montréal. He has given numerous conferences on Egyptian civilization.