Special event
March 12th, 2017
Film - Grabouillon et le trésor du capitaine Nem'os

Sunday, March 12, at 10 am
For all ages
Children: 2$, Families: 5$ or free with a ticket to the Museum
In French only
Complementing the Pirates or privateers? exhibition, come enjoy Paul Leluc's Grabouillon et le trésor du capitaine Nem'os presented by the Festival international du film pour enfants de Montréal.
As he is about to bury his bone, Grabouillon discovers a treasure chest. Unfortunately, it only contains incomprehensible clues. On top of that, horrible pirates, Cap’tain Coco and his acolytes, arrive on the island in disguise and also want to get their hands on the treasure.
52 minutes
The film will be presented in Pointe-à-Callière's Hydro-Québec Multimedia Theater. Doors will open at 9:30 am on a first come, first served basis. Please note that food will not be permited in the theater.
While you're at the Museum, come enjoy our Pirates of privateers? exhibition with the whole family! Climb aboard a privateer's ship and relive the adventures of Captain Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville.