Cultural activity
October 26th, 2023
Lecture | Perspectives on Québec cemeteries

Thursday, October 26, 2023
7 pm
Multimedia Room
Lecturer: Mario Brodeur
60 minutes + 15-minute question period
Regular: $7
Members: $4
In French
A focused look at everything about our ultimate places of remembrance: cemeteries!
This lecture will shed some light on cemetery preservation challenges, while also examining their design characteristics and collective facilities. How is a cemetery managed? What are the constraints? What happens underground? Get the answers to all these deep, dark questions…
Delve into this little-known world with lecturer Mario Brodeur and learn about the specific aspects of funerals in various regions of Québec, which contribute to local pride and a sense of belonging.
A unique and unusual event, just days before Halloween!
Lecturer: Mario Brodeur
Mario Brodeur edited the first Guide to Québec Cemeteries in 2012 and wrote the book Le cimetière Notre-Dame-des-Neiges en images et en mots, 1854-2004, published on the 150th anniversary of Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery, in which he traces the history of this landmark resting place in Montréal. He knows all there is to know about cemeteries and is ready to share his knowledge with you!