Lecture Series
October 3rd, 2017
Montréal, 1642 : entre souvenirs et avenirs

Tuesday, October 3, from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
535, Viger avenue East
Registration required via the Belles Soirées website
In French
Pointe-à-Callière and les Belles Soirées et les après-midis de l’UdeM are presenting Montréal, 1642 : entre souvenirs et avenirs, a conference presented in French.
Forget skyscrapers for a moment. We are in 1642. Those who live in or visit the little village that has been newly founded don't know what awaits them, but they surely have thought about it. Just as they have a notion of what happened in the past on this spot, already a memorial site for colonials and indigenous peoples alike. To guess their thoughts, we must travel. Go back a century more at least, cross the Atlantic, and take the river routes of native America. Bon voyage!
Thomas Wien teaches the history of New France and of the atlantic world, as well as historiography at Université de Montréal. His recent work has been on doctor Jean-François Gaultier, the pioneer Jean Boucher, and the historian François-Xavier Garneau.