Lecture Series
September 10th, 2022
Lecture | Les mystères du drapeau de Carillon (Mysteries of the Carillon Flag)

Saturday, Septembre 10
2 pm
Kondiaronk Room
350 place Royale
Speaker : Dave Noël
Free for members of Société historique de Montréal, 5$ for non-members
French only
The Société historique de Montréal presents the lecture:
Carillon, source of the fleurdelisé
The origins of the Québec flag can be traced to a mysterious banner that may have been flown at the Battle of Carillon, won by Montcalm on July 8, 1758. Rediscovered in Québec City in the middle of the following century, the tattered standard was used during nationalist processions held in the capital.
In 1902, Father Filiatrault was inspired to create a blue flag with a white cross, borrowing the fleurs-de-lys from the antique banner. This standard would go on to become the official emblem of Québec in 1948, under the government of Maurice Duplessis. During our lecture, we will first examine the authenticity of the oral history linking the Carillon banner to the battle of the same name. We will then explore the astonishing trajectory of this “historical relic” before looking into the emergence of the fleurdelisé between the Patriot and French tricolours.
A lecture presented by the secretary general Stéphan Martel.