Family Sundays
July 21st, 2019
Family Sundays | Culinary Origami Workshop

Sunday, July 21, 2019
1 pm to 4 pm
Place Royale
Free event
For this culinary origami workshop, children will join Miss Cloudy to make paper creations inspired by French gastronomy!
Classically trained as a musician and violonist, Pauline discovered paper art by accident when she was flipping through a book dedicated to the skill of folding and origami- it was love at first sight! Her creations, minimalist yet eye-catching, are always synonyms of playfulness. What she prefers most? " Developping big-scale immersive worlds made out of paper and observe people's reactions" , shars the artist whose peculiar style has put her at the forefront of her field in Canada. Since then, the artists and her fairy fingers have worked for the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, Cover Girl, Cos, WonderBra, Veuve Clicquot and Simons, amongst others, in addition to having her Black Wall murale exposed at the Montreal Mueum of Fine Arts.
Take the opportunity to discover the exhibition Dinner is Served! The Story of French Cuisine starting at Pointe-à-Callière on June 6.
Pointe-à-Callière knows that time spent together as a family creates the most wonderful memories. This is why the Museum is holding interactive and intergenerational activities every Sunday all summer long.