Cultural activity
July 7th, 2024 — August 18th, 2024
Family Sundays on the Pointe

July 7 through August 18, 2024
Every Sunday from 1 pm to 4 pm
Outdoors at the Museum, in the pedestrianized zone
350 Place Royale, Old Montréal
Free activities for the whole family to enjoy!
All summer long, enjoy a range of free, family-friendly activities on the Pointe, inspired by the exhibition Olmecs and the Civilizations of the Gulf of Mexico.
Music, dancing, storytelling, discussions, and creative workshops are on the program, showcasing Mexican artistic and cultural traditions. The Museum is also presenting activities in collaboration with the Montréal Complètement Cirque Festival and will host the Canadian Stone Carving Festival.
Quite the program!
Explore the programming for 2024
Ongoing from 1 pm to 4 pm, in front of the Museum and on Place Royale.
Music and Dance
with Tablaò
Join the group Tablaò and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Mexican music and its many instruments. Mexico’s artistic traditions are brought to life through dances and costumes in an energetic, rhythmic performance.
Schedule: 1 pm / 2 pm / 3 pm
Stories and Myths
with storyteller and musician Saulo Giri
Explore the mysteries of Olmec culture, as told by Saulo Olmedo. The storyteller and musician will whisk you off to Mexico, taking you on a journey that goes beyond words.
Schedule: 1:30 pm / 2:30 pm / 3:30 pm
Creative Workshop—Olmec Stamp Making
with PAAL — Partageons le monde
Make your own Olmec stamps, objects carved with patterns or symbols used for decoration or to create tattoos. Explore ancestral techniques and experiment with cactus-based inks.
Schedule: ongoing
Circus Show and Performance
with the Montréal Complètement Cirque Festival
Experience the excitement of the circus with breathtaking shows and interactive artistic street performances presented by the Montréal Complètement Cirque Festival.
Canadian Stone Carving Festival
with the Canadian Stone Carving Festival
Pointe-à-Callière welcomes the 2024 Canadian Stone Carving Festival, from July 19 to 21. A unique opportunity to meet sculptors who create works of art using the ancestral art of carving on stone. Traditional tools of the craft will be on display to the public.
Creative Workshop — Stone Carving
with PAAL — Partageons le monde
Learn stone carving techniques and create your own clay sculptures inspired by Olmec art—an art form that expresses this civilization’s gratitude to the forces of nature.
Schedule: ongoing
Concert and Dancing
with Mamselle Ruiz
Thrill to the sounds of Mamselle Ruiz and her album Éclipse! Music that blends Latin American rhythms with North American influences, performed by a quintet.
Schedule: 1 pm / 2 pm / 3 pm
Dance Performance
with the Nadxieli folkloric group
See traditional Mexican dances from the states of Tabasco and Veracruz in this performance by the Nadxieli folk group. A colourful celebration, featuring costumes and music from Mexican folklore.
Schedule: 1:30 pm / 2:30 pm / 3:30 pm
Creative Workshop — Olmec Writing and Calendar
with PAAL — Partageons le monde
Learn about the ingenuity of the Olmec civilization in a creative workshop focused on writing and the calendar system. An opportunity to explore the evolution of the writing styles of Mesoamerican civilizations, including the Mayas and Aztecs.
Schedule: ongoing
with Pedro Diaz
A musical performance with traditional Mexican instruments, showcasing the Olmecs and cultures of the Gulf of Mexico. Original songs and covers will take you on a captivating musical journey.
Schedule: 1:30 pm / 2:45 pm
Jaguar-Man Activity
with David Castillo
Learn about the jaguar-man, an iconic figure of Olmec culture, a character that will further your knowledge of this great civilization’s traditions and beliefs.
Schedule: 1 pm / 2:15 pm / 3:30 pm
Creative Workshop — Olmec Clay Sculptures
with artist Maria Ezcurra
Explore your creativity in this workshop during which you will create Olmec clay sculptures under the guidance of renowned Mexican-Canadian artist Maria Ezcurra.
Schedule: ongoing
Music Workshop
with the Centre des musiciens du monde
Take part in the Centre des musiciens du monde’s “Jarocho Sound” workshop for an immersive experience taking you to the heart of Mexico’s musical traditions. Learn the typical songs and rhythms of this authentic hybridized tradition with instruments provided.
Schedule: 1 pm / 2 pm / 3 pm
with the Ballet Mexicain de Montréal
Explore the enchanting world of Mexican folk dances with the Ballet Mexicain de Montréal, a passionate group that highlights the cultural riches and traditions of Mexico in its vibrant performances.
Schedule: 1:30 pm
Creative Workshop — Jaguar Mosaics
with PAAL — Partageons le monde
Express your creativity by making mosaics inspired by Olmec iconography. Explore the mosaics of the La Venta site, expressing this civilization’s beliefs, and reproduce your own jaguar mosaic.
Schedule: ongoing
with SoNSuRyLuNa
Explore the musical patchwork and riches of Mexico in this captivating show by SoNSuRyLuNa, an enthusiastic group that will carry you away with thrilling sounds from various regions.
Schedule: 1 pm / 2 pm / 3 pm
with Folklore Mexicain Xcaret
Explore the authentic traditions of Mexico’s First Nations in a dazzling show by Xcaret, featuring talented musicians and inspiring performances.
Schedule: 1:30 pm / 2:30 pm / 3:30 pm
Creative Workshop — 3D Figure
with artist Yaen Tijerina
Explore your creative side in this workshop led by Mexican artist Yaen Tijerina. Make a 3D figure out of stamping cardboard, representing an Olmec jaguar head. A unique and enriching artistic experience.
Schedule: ongoing
All summer long, free outdoor activities at Pointe-à-Callière
In the pedestrianized zone between Place Royale and Place D’Youville, come enjoy family-friendly activities and concerts by Montréal artists all summer long!