Annual campaign 2024-2025
Fascinating Research – Captivating Stories
By supporting archaeological and historical research, you are contributing to a fundamental effort to reveal the full potential of our rich shared heritage and thus shed light on some of the still unknown details of our history.
Pointe-à-Callière, An Extraordinary Place
Built on a concentration of archaeological and historical sites of national significance, Pointe-à-Callière preserves over 2,135 m2 of in situ archaeological remains, making them accessible to the public, while also housing a large collection of artifacts and documents that bear witness to the history of Montréal and its communities—from the Indigenous presence dating back thousands of years to the contemporary urban metropolis.
Research that Reveals the Past
Working with various groups of experts, our teams are conducting several research projects at Pointe-à-Callière: together, they are developing innovative approaches to interpreting archaeological data and historical sources, essential scientific work without which the impressive heritage preserved at the Museum would remain silent.
You are also welcome to make your donation by telephone by contacting the Pointe-à-Callière Foundation at 514-872-7829, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. Thank you!
Three fascinating research projects, many little-known stories to discover
How about joining this great adventure? Support initiatives that matter greatly to you by playing a part in the archaeological and historical research carried out at Pointe-à-Callière.
Montréal, April 25, 1849: Experience History in Real Time!
Archival documents are being examined using artificial intelligence and the geographic location to reconstruct—hour by hour—the events surrounding the burning of the Parliament of the Province of Canada.
Go back in time and join this fascinating investigation to draw a portrait of Montréal’s Victorian society!
Fossil DNA at Fort Ville-Marie: Bacteria Tells the Story!
Pointe-à-Callière archaeologists are working with experts in microbiology and genetics. Support the development of a new technique for identifying fossilized bacterial DNA and take part in an analysis of ancient soil samples from Montréal’s birthplace.
Your contribution could make all the difference in describing the lifestyles of the occupants of Fort Ville-Marie more than 400 years ago!
Pointe-à-Callière’s 2,000 Glass Beads: A History of Trading
Small but significant, these glass beads bear witness to the relationships between the Indigenous populations of North America and the Europeans.
Contribute to the creation of a unique reference collection on the continent and help us better understand this period of contact.
Your Donation, A Powerful Gesture
You can support the scientific work being carried out at Pointe-à-Callière now by contributing to the Pointe-à-Callière Foundation’s annual fundraising campaign for 2024-2025.
By supporting research, you are doing more than simply donating. You are directly contributing to the enhancement of our shared heritage, helping to preserve and promote the history that unites us. Thank you!
You are also welcome to make your donation by telephone by contacting the Pointe-à-Callière Foundation at 514-872-7829, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. Thank you!